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Eye Exams

Eye Exams

iCare For Your Eyes.

Diabetic Eye Care

Diabetic Eye Care

iCare For Your Eyes.

Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

iCare For Your Eyes.

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma Treatment

iCare For Your Eyes.

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

iCare For Your Eyes.

Myopia Management

Myopia Management

iCare For Your Eyes.

Fashionable Eyewear

Fashionable Eyewear

iCare For Your Eyes.

free eye exam tuscaloosa al

Tuscaloosa Ophthalmologist

At Tuscaloosa Ophthalmologist, we appreciate your trust in us to provide you and your family with the highest quality family eye care in Tuscaloosa AL in a family friendly, high-tech practice.

Services Provided

Having diabetes can put you at a higher risk of having eye disease.

However, diabetics shouldn’t worry about eye disease due to diabetes as with proper preventative care and treatment, diabetic eye diseases can be managed.

The eyes are the window through which we see the world. Eye problems impair function. They can limit your ability to drive, see a golf ball, or thread a needle. 

One of the best ways to maintain good eye health is with regular eye exams.

Currently, there is no cure for myopia or nearsightedness.

But there are proven methods like contact lens and spectacles that help overcome the effects of myopia which results in blurred vision

Dry eye is a chronic eye condition that affects millions of people each year. When you have dry eye, it can manifest itself in several different ways.

Dry eyes can be managed quite easily and safely with common eyedrops as a start

When you have glaucoma, you may not realize it at first. Much of the early loss of vision associated with glaucoma is peripheral.

With glaucoma, vision lost cannot be regained. This is why glaucoma needs an early diagnosis to prevent severe vision loss.

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process for everyone.

It is a fact that everyone will eventually get cataracts if they live long enough.

Cataract surgery is one of the most popular and safest surgical procedures performed in the world!

Our Experience

We have the pre-eminent eye doctor in Tuscaloosa with a wide spectrum of competencies to treat all type of eye disorders and diseases.

From simple myopia to treatment for diabetic eye diseases and cataract surgery utilising the latest technologies and equipment.

Assisting the eye doctors would be our highly experienced eye care associates who are trained to take care of the testing and simpler eye care activities

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Call now to get your free eye examination appointment!


At Tuscaloosa Ophthalmologist, our mission is your vision.



S3201 Skyland Blvd E
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405

(205) 556-3983